Proflavanol C100

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Proflavanol® C100      Image result for proflavanol c100 hybrid


Prized for their sweetness and distinct flavours, grapes have been enjoyed for thousands of years. In the last half century or so, scientific research has focussed on specific parts of grapes for their potential health benefits including the fruits themselves, grape skin and grape seeds. They are also rich in vitamin E and linoleic acid (a type of essential fatty acid). Grape seed flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that have evolved to protect the plants from the harmful effects of free radicals generated by the sun. The active ingredients in grape seeds are a group of closely related compounds called oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) AKA procyanidolic oligomers (PCOs). You’ll also find OPCs in peanut skin, cranberries, blueberries, bilberries, pine bark and green and black teas, and in lower concentrations in grape skin, grape juice and in red wine. Like other fresh fruits, grapes are naturally rich in vitamin C which adds to their antioxidant power. USANA’s research and development scientists have isolated the potent protective plant pigments from grape seeds, concentrated them and added antioxidant vitamin C to produce the unique Proflavanol® C100. These two key ingredients work together to boost each other’s health power. Let’s take a closer look at the health boosting properties of Proflavanol® C100 and the dynamic duo themselves!

1. Heart protectors 
Keeping blood vessels healthy is one of the ways you can reduce heart disease risk and research suggests a strong role for dietary flavonoids such as OPCs in supporting and maintaining sound cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) function. That’s because healthy blood vessels allow oxygen and nutrient-containing blood to flow more easily through the body nourishing every cell, including heart cells. OPCs help to relax blood vessels so that the blood can flow more freely throughout the body. Plus, grape seed extract and vitamin C have been shown to improve antioxidant status and vascular (blood vessel) function. 

2. Free radical fighters
Free radical damage is thought to contribute to ageing and also to chronic (long-term) health problems such as heart disease and cancers. Although your body has effective ways of fighting free radical damage, some can escape causing cell damage. Antioxidants such as OPCs can block the potentially damaging action of free radicals; OPCs from grape seeds have 20 and 50 times more potent antioxidant activity than vitamin C and E, respectively. One reason for this could be due to the structure of OPCs – one molecule can neutralise several free radical molecules at once, whilst antioxidant vitamins C and E can handle only one at a time. Studies show that taking Proflavanol® C100 can substantially increase levels of blood antioxidants because the two nutrients work synergistically allowing for long-term, antioxidant action. 

3. Blood vessel boosters 
OPCs strengthen the structure of weakened blood vessels and have been shown to effectively treat vascular conditions. In France, prescribing OPCs to treat blood vessel problems is common. This is because laboratory studies have shown that OPCs can make blood vessels more elastic. They work by supporting collagen (a cross-linked matrix of fibres) by reinforcing its natural structure. Vitamin C is another powerful collagen and connective tissue strengthening antioxidant.
4. Healing agent 
After an illness, eating well and resting are a must. Getting plenty of fluids, enjoying a mixed diet including wholegrains, easy-to-digest proteins such as fish, tofu and eggs and plenty of seasonal fruits and vegetables are all important, too. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C needed for growth and repair of tissues and this delicate vitamin is needed daily because your body can’t store large amounts of it. Vitamin C helps the body make collagen, an important protein used to make skin and to heal it; it’s also needed to make cartilage, ligaments and blood vessels needed for repairing and maintaining bones and teeth. 
Image result for proflavanol c100 hybrid

5. Skin safe guarders 
We all know how important it is to protect the skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Over 80 per cent of the damage to facial skin is due to sun damage and/or overexposure to glare produced by water and snow or due to wind damage. The sun ages skin by triggering free radical production; it also reduces the skin’s small reserves of vitamin C so getting enough of this important antioxidant can help boost your skin’s ability to filter UV light. Vitamin C works with vitamin E and with plants’ natural sunscreens (antioxidant pigments like lutein, beta carotene and lycopene) and the kind of OPCs in Proflavanol® C100. You can find antioxidants in many foods including fruits, vegetables and teas but in much smaller concentrations. While supplements boost youth from the inside, don’t rely on them and on diet alone – look for products with an SPF of 15 (such as Sensé Daytime Protective Emulsion which also contains Proflavanol TTM complex) or higher that block both UVA and UVB rays. Wear sunprotective clothing (a wide-brimmed hat, long sleeved shirt), and sunglasses that block the sun’s rays.

6. Anti-ageing boosters 
Your skin is composed of three layers, the outer dermis, the epidermis underneath and the subcutaneous layer that lies under this. Around 70 per cent of the dermis is made from water and that’s why being properly hydrated can help your skin look fresh and plumped. With age, the two outer layers of skin get thinner and the subcutaneous layer (which holds fat as well as water) also gets thinner so the skin gradually loses elasticity. This, together with a reduction in collagen and elastin fibres causes skin ageing.
Environmental factors such as pollution, sun damage and your genetics all contribute to how well your skin ages. However, what you apply onto your skin as well as how you nourish it from the inside i.e. with antioxidants including vitamin C, can help to improve the skin’s appearance too. 

7. Pollution protectors 
Pollution (including indoor pollution which has been found to be three times more noxious than the kind you’ll find in traffic-choked streets) is being made worse by draft-free energy efficient homes, air fresheners and strong cleaning products according to scientists from the UK’s Sheffield University. We rarely think about the pollution we might be breathing in indoors,’ said Professor Vida Sharifi, who led the research. ‘Energy is just one source of indoor pollution, but it is a significant one. And as we make our homes more airtight to reduce heating costs, we are likely to be exposed to higher levels of indoor pollution, with potential impacts on our health, she said. OPCs and vitamin C are potent antioxidants which help to protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals including free radicals in environmental pollution. 

8. Potent and enduring effects 
Despite being water-soluble, OPCs are unusual because they stay in the system for a relatively long period of time. And unlike most antioxidants, OPCs deliver antioxidant protection throughout the whole body. OPCs neutralise free radicals whilst conserving vitamins C and E. 

9. Seasonal snuffle soother 
OPCs are the most powerful natural free radical scavengers known, and as a bioflavonoid complex, they increase the effectiveness of Vitamin C. Taking vitamin C reduces the duration and severity of the common cold, especially in people who train hard and exercise regularly. They may also help to boost immune function in other ways.

10. Inventive tablet technology 
Proflavanol® C100 employs USANA’s innovative Nutritional Hybrid Technology featuring bilayer tableting. The two active ingredients are separated and placed in two back-to-back layers in a bi-layered tablet. On one side is the vitamin C supplement and on the other side is the grape seed extract. This form allows the grape seed bioflavonoids and vitamin C to be maintained separately for increased stability, yet work together to provide advanced antioxidant protection whilst reducing the need to take multiple supplements. 

USANA’s Proflavanol® C100 
OPCs (a type of bioflavonol) appear to be some of the most powerful free-radical scavengers yet discovered. A powerful combination of grape seed extract and Poly CTM (USANA’s highly absorbable form of Vitamin C) Use only as directed. Always read the label. Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet. If symptoms persist see your healthcare practitioner. • Take at the same time as your Essentials – Proflavanol® C100 works in synergy with other vitamins. • Try Sensé with Proflavanol TTM for skin health. Protects against UV-induced oxidative stress for normal healthy skin and improves skin ageing appearance. Delicious grape flavour! Laboratory tested, quality guaranteed. Meets British Pharmacopeia specifications for potency uniformity and disintegration where applicable. Adults take two to four Proflavanol® C100 tables daily preferably with meals


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